Disclaimer: All reviews are the result
of my personal opinion from a Christian stand-point. These reviews are
provided for those who share my beliefs and morals, to help guide what
fiction a reader may wish to pick up. For those who do not share these
beliefs, please refrain from hateful comments. It is due to rude
commenting that I must now include this note prior to all reviews. For
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Intended Age-Group: 16+Summary:
Issues of Violence: appropriate for teens and up. Battles, wars, sparring matches, life-threatening situations, yet all descriptively clean.
Intimacy Level: Kiss on the cheek (so harmless!) none!
Swearing: none!
Recommendation: 5 out of 5 stars
I can't help it. When I love a book, I re-read it, which only reminds me why I loved it in the first place, which only makes me want to talk about it more.
Initial Reaction: *****
By Darkness Hid, the first of Jill Williamson's Blood of Kings trilogy leaves me astounded once more. I am re-reading the series because I recently received the third and final book from Jill Williamson herself. It was just as good as the first time (though slightly less shocking since I already knew all the answers). I noticed a lot more the second round through. Now, I'm finally back on the bandwagon, but I've started the series over again. It's been over a year since I read the first two and I want to flow through all three books in one swoop. Yes, they're that amazing (hence the re-review of book one. Click to read the full review of books one and two).
By Darkness Hid, the first of Jill Williamson's Blood of Kings trilogy leaves me astounded once more. I am re-reading the series because I recently received the third and final book from Jill Williamson herself. It was just as good as the first time (though slightly less shocking since I already knew all the answers). I noticed a lot more the second round through. Now, I'm finally back on the bandwagon, but I've started the series over again. It's been over a year since I read the first two and I want to flow through all three books in one swoop. Yes, they're that amazing (hence the re-review of book one. Click to read the full review of books one and two).
Plot: *****
The book doesn't start with an explosion or secret plot to destroy the world--it begins with the main character milking goats. It took a little push through the first couple chapters, but I don't regret a single moment of it. Jill Williamson beautifully weaves in-depth characters that come to life in the reader's imagination and dreams. She spends the majority of this first book establishing who Achan and Vrell are and why you should care about them.
The book doesn't start with an explosion or secret plot to destroy the world--it begins with the main character milking goats. It took a little push through the first couple chapters, but I don't regret a single moment of it. Jill Williamson beautifully weaves in-depth characters that come to life in the reader's imagination and dreams. She spends the majority of this first book establishing who Achan and Vrell are and why you should care about them.
Writing: *****
The novel is extremely well-written and understandable. The idea of "bloodvoicing" was explained so thoroughly I even dreamed I could bloodvoice at one point (and tried to bloodvoice my fiance to tell him I was sick and needed him to come take care of me...it didn't work. Then I woke up. My fiance found it very amusing).
The novel is extremely well-written and understandable. The idea of "bloodvoicing" was explained so thoroughly I even dreamed I could bloodvoice at one point (and tried to bloodvoice my fiance to tell him I was sick and needed him to come take care of me...it didn't work. Then I woke up. My fiance found it very amusing).
Spiritual Aspects: *****
This entire series is filled with focus on God in a very natural way. I especially love reading a novel that's Christian based, yet not a typical romance novel. I found myself thinking more often about why I believe in God and mentally answering different questions that the main characters were asking. Very refreshing!
This entire series is filled with focus on God in a very natural way. I especially love reading a novel that's Christian based, yet not a typical romance novel. I found myself thinking more often about why I believe in God and mentally answering different questions that the main characters were asking. Very refreshing!
Overall Recommendation:
I highly recommend this book. For my full review written after my first reading, please go here.
I highly recommend this book. For my full review written after my first reading, please go here.
I encourage you to support Jill Williamson---a daring and imaginative Christian author---by reading her books, requesting them in libraries, and sharing your thoughts
Nadine Brandes is an adventurer, fusing authentic faith with bold imagination. She writes stories about brave living, finding purpose, and other worlds soaked in imagination. Her debut dystopian novel, A Time to Die